The Art Of Co-Creating

There are 3 Circle to Co-Creation
that need to happen simotainiously for things to be co-created into our lives.

3 Circles to Co-Creation:
Co-Creation Within: Tranfomational Activities For Conscious/Subconscious Mind Integration
Co-Creation With Others: Co-Creative Communication & Negotiation Skills
Co-Creation With God/Spirit/Source: Meditation & Vision Questing Experiences

More than any of the
Transparenting Tools
the "Gratitude Loop Hole" and the wisdom of Wise-faith
help us to allow us to work with the forces that want us to be happy.

Being grateful to everyone and everything all around you and what has come before to help you to get to the wisdom you have
cultivated in yourself.

And unlike a "blind faith" that believes- just to believe something
while Wise-faith knows from experience and intuition -
how many times what has looked like what we wanted
was not at all what we wanted and what has been
hard for us has helped us
to grow the most.

everything that happens..
always, and finds a way
to make the best out of it.

Based on the Universal Law of Karma
(all that you give out comes back to you.) & Universal Law of Attraction
(be it first and like minds & the energy needed to do it is attracted to you.)

And that's the biggest secret to success there is...
Prosperity is more than money..
and a balanced life and perspective
is what keeps a dream from becoming a nightmare.

Keeping our heart connections with everyone and being the peace and prosperity we seek.

For those who help you help them back and "pay it forwards"
(from the movie that is highly recommended -
a link is on the tools page)
to others in an interdependent way -
helping them to help themselves..
empowering them while being out of the way.. in a Transparenting way

Peace is a way of life - and completely do-able if we believe it is and start within, then reach out to our loved ones, friends and co-workers -
be the stone that starts a ripple in the ocean that connects us all.

The evolution is being empathized!

s beiIt's hip and sexy to care!
s being empathized!

3 Step to Co-Creating
& Life Callings:

1. See it: Attune & Ask
ATTUNE by saying YES to what is working
& allowing prayers of gratitude to fill your mind.
ASK by visualizing your chosen co-creation clearly – focus on feeling the feelings of having it now. How does it make you feel to have it? Imagine it. Split Second Inspirations throughout the day - give that feeling to yourself now. As you offer yourself thoughts of: radiant health, flowing prosperity in a-bun-dance, & deep fulfilling relationships supporting our inner needs and growth – we bring it to us. By feeling the good feelings now for it - we allow it to come. We accomplish more, more easily - because we can take on more. This raises our vibrations to joy & joy is very attractive & full of solutions that are fun.

2. Free it: Wise Faith, Wise Will, & Wise-Flow
Letting go of pain, anger, and other emotionally blocks is our path. The way to peace is ongoing and as we look at our yearning to be “good” and our subconscious thoughts on money & health & other past images that need to be “upgraded” to new images that can bring our conscious & subconscious into harmony. As we free our hearts of the how of how it all happens - As we FREE IT ALL – through forgiveness & gratitude for what is - we kindly take back any power that we have given away. And as we do - our energy will lighten and this lighter energy allows many possible opportunities to come to come to us. We may even find the thing we asked for is not what we really wanted and something else even better shows up - something we would have never asked for. This trust in the Universe is called Wise-Faith. Unlike blind faith - knowing from Wise-Faith is knowing that so many times Spirit brought better than what we asked for and that’s when you really let go & get into the synchronicity of intuition & guidance in a co-creative Wise-Flow.

3. Be it: & Watch It Come Alive
We find our way to balance and heal all things
as we BE what we seek.
If there’s a dis-connect then keep focusing on
re-connecting and keeping connected on an essence level with all concerned - checking in often within and to others -
listening to others while seeing an out with dignity
for all concerned in all situation.
As we take a long deep breath -
we command our own destiny.

As we choose to watch our visions unfold we see things happening in a new light. “Set Backs” are just “Short Cuts” to another
important part of the path we needed.
We really don't know exactly what is best in all situations and yet we do know that making the best of what shows up leads us to move quickly towards what we really need and empowers us to quantum leap through comic loop holes to a more joyful life.

Also Check Out:
Cosmic Loopholes

To More Fun

Coming soon: 3 Focuses for On-line Sojournals

Isness Vision Questing

What is it that allows us to be
to what's good for us & what keeps us from it?
Inner Home Alchemy

How can I heal my heart
of past
memories and
be more
open to love?

Home Life Prosperity

How can I have prosperity
in my life & work
and have them be
in harmony?

There are many Transparenting Tools available on this site and if that will help you,
please check them out & let us know if they help you.