The "Gratitude Loophole"

Being grateful for everything you have in your life.
Next time you are in a hard situation -
think about all the things that are going right.- this is one of the quickest ways to find peace inside when in tough situations.

When dealing with tough relationships...

The "Essence Loophole"

Seeing a person's essence, not their behavior, circumstances, or appearances. Focusing on who they are as a being... seeing the best of them and yourself.
Hold the space for who they are really and be that looking back at them.

The "Comedy Loophole"

Do your part by coming from your heart 
in all situations and without laughing at someone or using "mean" humor - help others (when ever possible) or at least yourself
to see the hunor in what's happening.
Laughter keeps the soul young and
hard situations do-able and helps to bering everyone together to see how we are all so connected.

This does not mean let people hurt you...
being interdependent in all interactions & negotioations is our ability to bring about peace
one negotiation at a time.

Hard negotiators are those who are totally unfair & want you to thank them for not being more unfair.
This will change when people challenge loved ones to rise to the occation & be fair, kind, & understanding.

Checkout these Transparenting tools:

The Art Of "Disarming the Bully"

Wise -Fiath

& remember that
is the path to healthy relationships

Together we are growing our planet into a loving consciousness...

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