An Enlightened Cave Person's
Approach To Peacelderhood
Are you a peacelder or would you like to be?
guiding in a healthy, joyful way
through listening to words and unsaid messages.
Continually awakening to understanding
the a-bun-dance of the universe and inspiring everyone to do the same.
Only when needed, gently re-directing back to center...
with a grace of love & respect for each moment.

Leading from the back... and allowing others to discover
the unique service each has to offer.
Patiently allowing understandings to come...
and choices that are in harmony with our hearts to surface...
while forever acknowledging our own intuitional wisdom and
infinite connection to *__________ Spirit/Creator/God.
(*Please fill in the blank for your Spirit/Creator/God of choice)
enabling self-discipline from a joyful place.
Through these understandings and further expansions of our educational methods
that includes a whole person education in a community approach
with respect for the multiple intelligence's that are our unique
instinctual tools... and gifts we each have to share which ones come to serve in the community
naturally in a well rounded universal constructivism project based production style
of community effort to inspire a love of learning.
In such an place all would easily become...
  • transparenting:7 steps to being out of the way...
  • 3 steps to asking for: soulmates & life callings...
  • Living in the center of a... Sphere of A-bun-dance
  • 4 archetypal elements of a balanced healthy life
  • centerstretch & yogadance - Movement Lifestyles
  • Other books, tools & services in the works
  • back to home page