How May
Transparenting Intuitive Arts Guide
Be Different From Other "Coaching" Methods?
(And many other addictions/depression/bi-opolar counseling methods.)
Transparenting is about being genuinely who you are, while understanding the
heart connection we all share with those around us. It’s about learning
to be aware of keeping that heart connection and how to reconnect when we
create a “disconnect”.
Life Coaching methods are mainly goal and result oriented. Goals are important
and yet the quality of life we live while we are achieving those goals is
made up of each interaction along the way – is what creates a success
that is deeply meaningful and as we continuously grow, it becomes even more
Mainly, we don't pose as the experts on you - we are able to reflect what
is already there inside you and we heighten your awareness of the signs that
life is giving you and the subconscious way you are drawing to you what you
are getting now. We focus on allowing the mentoring process to be a way for
you to get in touch with and support your own insights - and we offer many
life tools, arts, & concepts to quantum
leap your own intuitional abilities (Inner Transparenting) while at the same
time hone the most productive way of reflecting that in how we interact with
those we love & work with (Outer Transparenting). Co-Creating healthy
interdependent relationships with a “lead from the back” “out
of the way” style, offering ideas in a non-threatening way while re-directing
when needed, always consciously peaceful, and in a best for all concerned
We are all connected and we all need support at some point and yet there are some who seem to want to “help” us and yet may be doing what feels more to us like very unhelpful ways of going about it.
"Tough love" came about during the 80's and it's not surprising.
Kinda like the rest of the 80's "me" theme. "You can make me
It's a total heart disconnect that pretend to be a connection with
"I'm doing this for your own good." as the explanation -
while the person in more in need of support than ever.
It is a very shallow answer to a deeper issue for why anyone would become
self destructive - and the answer always lies deep in the dynamics of the
way the family communicates on a conscious and subconscious level - It has
never been found it to be just one sensitive soul who just "happens"
to be self-destructive
Transparenting Intutive Arts Guidance has helped those
with "addictions"
(even heroin) and they have healed from them for decades now.
Transparenting is an ongoing understanding that focuses on intuitional learning
for how to help ourselves and others, by doing the work from the inside out,
while learning methods of how and when to consciously reach out to help others
to help themselves.