A Lie Is A Lie

For the holidays year round enjoy the story of old St. Nick or the Easter bunny, even the Tooth Fairy without betraying our children's trust. They have enough imagination to come up with many stories  & don't need our help 
they need our honest connection & the lie of  Santa or the others can break the connection of honesty. Especially, when they begin to doubt it themselves or other kids tell them these characters are not real, at least then, tell them the truth.  This will come in real handy when they're teenagers and they need to come to you for advice- the trust you've built will lead them back to you in their time of need.  Especially if you make God, (Spirit, your name for source/Creator/Love)
the highest authority, while encouraging and allowing them to trust their own intuitions through listening to the guidance from that source you share guidance from and honoring your connection to it.
And above all always remember to:


Poem: Children Learn What They Live

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