A vision quest Fine tuning our This comes from developing a system of responses Our ability to have a grounded practical way isness tools give the gift of: Remember: Our answers are in the now, & may not
be what's best, if you act on it later. This way we keep ourselves in
a present state of mind. If no clear answers come: perhaps there's not
enough resolution in the intentions of those involved. Experiment with questions we know the answers to, until
we can read subtle differences, in strength between: yes/no & not
yet time to decide. Some people do best with using an instrument to listen
to their intuitions; a pendulum, dowse, crystal ball, cards, tea leaves,
etc. 8Patient Heal Thyself With Patience8 isness tools from within...
Yoga (meaning union) teaches us Rarely do we want what we want The "Big It" is what will bring happiness
or You may wander into a store Write down important thoughts that come up: to be done later not now- so let it go for now ones that are destructive & spiral you downwards a) there is nothing that you can do anything about) simply upgrade the thoughts into constructive ones If there's not an easy way to upgrade it let it go for now Inspiration gives us life energy to heal & be healed.
A Calming & Clearing Ritual Channeled Writing: Do your best to continually keep
a journal of insights... a gift we give to our future selves. Get one
of the big blank ones (spiraled so it lays flat) & have fun experimenting
with all kinds of mediums: color pens/pencils, crayons, paints, collage...
etc. Dreams: Tell yourself to remember your dreams & write them down... you may get clues of it's interpretation from books on dreaming... remember that it's your dream & so the symbols may have more personal meanings in their symbolism. Meditation & Soul Traveling, Vision Questing &
Exploratory Drugs: 1)Focus on asking a yes/no question &/or holding
an object to heart... (as in some food, would it be best for our body
to eat it?) Connecting with our body-wisdom... always in direct communication
with our Creator. Stand tall & yet grounded with slightly bent knees
as you focus on the question... staying balanced & centered. We
find a slight pull in the form of a subtle swaying.
Eventually surrendering As we show up right on cue... Our lives are mirrors reflecting what is Please don't let the word 8isness8 get in the way...
Through poetry & a receptive mind 8isness8 Knowing this... in a place where all "...isms" ideologies,
religions, OUR (To: Creator, inner self, other beings, all creation, creativity & wisdom...8etc.)
Awakening usually happens cuz we have just plummeted
when we listen to our hearts intuitions
He could let others see him as helpless because he wasn't. 8NOW8 Transformation is... Life... is... Like the ocean's dance of ebb and flow Simply ask yourself... "How can the past or future or perhaps we are only thinking Then there are times when some of us Let them win the battle & win the war... Says, "release Then our word is good We get what we need... & honest word of mouth speaks No need to sell, promote, or achieve... CHANGE IS CONSTANT First, take a deep breathe & relax... 8we here now8 transformations The time has come for us all to evolve. So be kind... 8isness8 Our Truth |
Getting Free...
tools for awakening fools
Experiencing the inner child within us all
comes from a love of innocence and authentic relations...
this state of mind is "newness".
allowing our inner father to protect our inner child
with disernment & ethical authority
allowing our inner mother who nutures, comforts,
& empowers our inner child, with interdependance.
Getting Free... begins with a
deep inner refusal to accept deception
first from ourselves... then from others,
yet with kind commpassion not to judge anyone for it.
Getting Free...in
this life, if possible, is all about why we come here
to earthschool.
The whole thing is our choice...
to come here & manifest reflections
of this whole process of growth
we will now refer to as Getting Free...
as far as destiny vs. freewill
destiny is everyone's
freewill... happening simotainiously
so while everyone
is acting out their freewill...
destiny is created,
however, our truest destiny if we choose it
is always to grow
spiritually, to awaken & remain awake.
So destiny is made
up of all the circumstances that will continue to
awaken us, on deeper
& deeper levels.
And this is who we
If you do not see yourself as you is,
in actuality you will not see others as they really is,
and you will become a puzzeled victim both in yourself &
others & circumstances.
Why aren't we all free, if that is why we are here?
We are, we may not know it yet, however if we are a seeker...
it will be there among topics with friends...
freedom is there ringing in the silences of conversations
where people are really being honest & loving
& seeking understanding with oneanother.
We must first see ourselves as we actually are, not as we would
like to picture ourselves...
illusions & flattery are our deception and will continue
to get in our way
until we see what keeps happening when we go there.
So it is good to see the bad, awareness of it, is freedom from results...
If my false sense of “I” has dissolved, who is there to suffer?
“I” only get upset at what ever is threatening the illusions
I have about myself.
3 esoteric facts about Getting Free...
1) you find yourself by letting go... so Getting
comes from letting go.
2) be here now & what's next, becomes obvious
3) observing life without reactiong to it
lets us give joy to ourselves & others
no matter what circumstances occure.
Observe nature as it is and see all the blessings it has to offer... let nature heal us.
12 gifts of Getting Free...
1) Having no assumptions or expectations
2) Looking within for the primary causes & lessons
3) Seeing the future based in the present reality
4) Active consciousness towards growth
5) Saying no negative words against anyone
6) Be humble without criticizing yourself
7) Constantly be able to flow with changes
8) Being honest or silent, always
9) Discouragement & depression have reasons (find out what
they are but realize false ones too)
10) Values are what define who we is ( if we keep our values we
grow strong, if we lose them, weak)
11) Focusing on insecurities by listening to others... better,
giving love to others & being a good friend
12) Focus on life purposes and there's no need for dependency
on anyone or anything else.
When my desired plan goes wrong all it means is that: our desire
has clashed with reality.
Which may just be a timing thing.... getting in with good
flow is mostly about being patient, however with someone who is resisting making
a move, it's about going for it when support arrives until we can do it on our
own. Support is OK, as long as it leads us to doing it on our own, so
we are not dependent on the help. How we help someone in need, is to shadow
& spot. Only helping if truely needed. Allowing the person to do it
on their own & giving them the credit for it so they build confidence to
do it on their own, next time.
Transitions flow like this....
preparation /
change / recovery
Fear creates distance from others & anger in defense of
Letting go of results and enjoying the moment by moment process
is how we find happiness & peace.
Self defeat comes from identifying with either success or failure.
Love is a state of total understanding and with understanding
comes awareness
so that we can let go of painful false desires.
We never need to feel any kind of defeat again.
As long as we focus on the essence of love... universal love
and our process of growth
towards a greater understanding of what that is best in all
(Or how the wise sage would walk in our circumstanses....)
Love & authentic realtionships with others is a gift of
freedom that comes
from loving the messenger of essence inside ourselves &
& seeing the blessing of how it comes to us in day to day
Being truely successful comes first from being inwardly open
to Getting Free...
then if outward success doesn't come, we are still fulfilled
& if it does comes, we handle it well.
Feel these key Getting Free. words:
Naturalness, receptivity, self-renewal, now, insight,
persistence, watchfulness, self-unity, patience, & genuiness
For a change to happen in oneself:
See the need for self-tranformation
See ourselves as we actually are
Work to understand the idea of humanity & bringing about
peace one interaction at a time
Stop useless destructive thoughts... and focus on love with
each & every interaction
bring others from only being in there heads to being into their hearts as
The evolution will be empathised!
let go of tensions... stretching & messaging can save the
help others to remember this
Feel love with each & every interaction
listen to universal messages
hear words of love with each & every interaction even if
it is not said lovingly...
bring others into their hearts even when they are not communicating
Thats when they need love the most!
the inner world of thoughts, feelings, desires, insights, compassions,
curisity and other psychological experiences determine my outer world of everyday
life. I draw experiences to me in the balance my imbalances. Thinking
that something in the future brings happiness is to postpone the enjoyment possible
cease to be anxious - trust the universe to take care of me.
live decides many things for us & getting free is why we are here.
Guiding me to letting go so I can happily... enjoy the ride.
Be patient with yourself & love, love love... the evolution
will be empathised.
"Be teachable" that is the whole secret
Doubts create Defeat
as long as one perfers the illusion of individual separation
to the reality of unity with all
- defeat will be the experience -
slowing down & making doubts conscious
until you can dissolve it with awareness
of the false foundation of your illusionary self which created
12 things that keep us from... Getting
1) False Assumptions (makes an ass out of u &
2) Searching outside ourselves
3) False hope in the future ("hope" can be quite hopeless)
4) Laziness towards self awakening
5) Wrong attention (criticizing others)
6) Self-condemnation
7) False belief in a fixed state (all is change)
8) Dishonesty (consciously or unconsciously)
9) Discouragement & depression (dissatisfaction
has a purpose)
10) Compromising values - Integrity... a will to serve &
wisdom how each moment it is best to do so.
11) Vanity & egotism - healthy self love is not self absorbed...
keep checking in with those around.
12) Dependency on others, substances, things... accomplishments...
outcomes... only inner peace is truely dependable and what we have the most
ability to have within us no matter what occurs.
Clear understanding of a harmful habit erases it
Intelligence is the patient gathering of knowledge & wisdom
to know how to use that knowledge.
Knowlege about self... tranformational knowledge is the most powerful
& fulfilling knowledge one can grasp in life... leading us to peace.
However knowledge withour psychic realization of our essence as love & humanity
as one big family, moves nothing. With it, we can move mountians.
Spiritual Intention + Will to Serve + Understanding to love + Humorous Perspectives = a joyful peace
Breakthroughs are when we realize, even vaguely, that something eyoond your ordinary life actually exists. Security cannot exist because of something. If it has a couse that cause will sooner or later change. Pulling the platform out from beneath your shoes. Security is when you have no security what so ever, no attachments, nothing which to cling to.
10 encouraging Principles for Getting
1) There is a place within me where I am at peace and can sit
back & observe life
2) Doubts, discouragement & defeat all have to do with my
misconseption & perceptions of growth.
3) Any breakdown can lead to a breakthrough when I focus on my
life purpose.
example: lovingly getting free you come up with your own life purpose
4) The most successful person in the eyes of others is a good
listener with a compassionate heart.
5) no matter what events occure or circumstances prevail my focus
is centering my inner stillness.
6) Seeing through my "self image" is the only way to feel the
trueness of my being... I let go of it.
7) Life makes sense always when my intentions are focused on spiritual
growth & honest truth.
8) Values of loving all humainty are my salvation and free me
from my pain,
I see we are all Getting Free...
9) Letting go can mean many particular things to many people...
I see myself in the moment focusing on love & letting go of fear
10) Being connected to our creator & all creation through
loving all beings
With earnest work all is revealed so let life reveal itself to
Accept things as they actually are and you have peace in heart,
mind & soul.
Uncertainty is good... opens up possibilities...
"If anything is certain... it is ones own uncertain mind
to know that you do not know
is the dawn of knowing."
- St. Augistine
We are visitors no owners of this earth we could own the entire world, but owr ownership comes whenwe don't care whether we own it or not. Being compelled to own the world or any small part of it, your desire is an attempt to feel secure through possession... however there is no security in possession just the opposite anxiety.
Sometines when you have nothing you have everything.
Unless we are right with ourselves, we cannot really enjoy the
exterior world of nature & social activities when we are one with ourselves,
we are one with everything.
There are no conflicting dilllusions between the inner world
& outer world.
Then, daily activities are pleasant, easy, rewarding.
may the blessings be
love in a-bun-dance
eternally getting free