A vision quest
or as some tribes call it
a 'walkabout' is all about...
facing who you is... first alone
then with others who we share a soul purpose.
As the core of your essence leads you
to discover your life's purpose through your life circunstances and experiences
gently guiding your direction.
Call it universal law...
or identify it with any or all
of the messengers who came to inspire us...
wondrous teachers who have come here
to teach us of our connection to our Creator...
It all leads ultimately to the same place:

Fine tuning our

This comes from developing a system of responses
from our innate body wisdom in direct contact with our Creator.
What ever we call wisdom's source...
our connection to it
empathy = higher intelligence = telepathy = psychic

Our ability to have a grounded practical way
to connect inwards...
leading us to connection with our unique purpose
so we can follow Creator's guidance much more clearly.
intuational sense navigation
evolving spiraling souls...
intuitional sojourn now evolving souls sacredly
intuitive spirit now enrolling sensitive souls
infinite song now energizing spontaneous singing
come up with some of your own...
what ever works
don't let the word
get in the way of the understanding
& what it's attempting to symbolize.
As we are able to communicate about 'it'
knowing & accepting
that we will all have our own interpretations of what 'it' is...
& that what is... still will be what is... as we discover that it's who we are
& therefore were all along.

isness tools:
Any feedback system that allows us access
to our innate atunement with Creator from inside.

isness tools give the gift of:
calm choices & patience if it's not yet time to act...
inner alignment with our life's purpose...
friends who we spiral with as a gift to & from Creator...
God... Goddess... Higher Power... all that is... ___________________
(you fill in the blank of your chosen inspirational source)
& an abundant essence dwelling peacefully
in the center of each of our spiral sojourns...

Remember: Our answers are in the now, & may not be what's best, if you act on it later. This way we keep ourselves in a present state of mind. If no clear answers come: perhaps there's not enough resolution in the intentions of those involved.
Wait & check in again... when it comes to up again, naturally.
Have faith in our innate ability to be sensitive & to read these subtitles.

Experiment with questions we know the answers to, until we can read subtle differences, in strength between: yes/no & not yet time to decide.
Giving us a way to access our innate "wisdom to know the difference".

isness tools
strengthen our connection & access to insights & intuitions
through making them part of our daily lives.

Some people do best with using an instrument to listen to their intuitions; a pendulum, dowse, crystal ball, cards, tea leaves, etc.
That's cool, if it works for you...
Others use others, as in letting someone makes choices for you...
if they make good ones it may work for a while... as long as their eventually, teaching & reflecting back to empowering your own ability to do so for yourself. For instance, wonderfully enough, some Doctors now use muscle-testing, yet ultimately we still need to connect to our own intuition ourselves.

8Patient Heal Thyself With Patience8

isness tools from within...
self-muscle-testing, dreaming, channeled writing, speaking, singing, dancing, trancing & meditation, soul traveling, & vision questing.

(It can be done by a group, if a shared vision is sought...)
Start by preparing meaningfully...
How you dress expresses who you are...
if you dress meaningfully...
everything is a symbol of who you is
Wear meaningful jewelry,
bring stones, shells, or crystals
photos or anything meaningful to you.
Bring something to write on & write with.
You can do it where you live...
yet sometimes it can be a lot easier,
when everything is not so familiar.
A vision quest is a moving meditation...
it can be anywhere, doing anything.
Simply notice life all around us,
without reacting to it.
Seeing what each thing represents to you...
notice thoughts that spiral you down
& write them down.

Remember To Breathe Deeply

Yoga (meaning union) teaches us
that inhaling a deep breath of air
slowly in & out with different patterns...
can effect change in the chemical balance of our bodies.

A very important calming pattern of breathing
(twice as long out as in)
regulates the body into a state of balance
Aspire Without Desire

Rarely do we want what we want
usually it turns out to be very different
than we thought it would be
when we get it, anyway.
So that after it happens enough,
we start to question more wisely...
when we think, this time, this is really "it"!

The "Big It" is what will bring happiness or
fulfillment or answers to the other "its"
we are seeking.

You may wander into a store
or thrift shop or walk by a garage sale...
maybe there's a special stone or something
you find on the ground.
(pay for it in picking up twice as much trash)
Let your intuition guide you
to something meaningful to you...
You may feel you need to own it
& buy it or not.
Either way is fine.
Just keep asking, "who am I ?"
& be in a continuous state of awakeness
alert & aware of everything, all around...

Pay attention to all thoughts...
be on a "junk-thought fast!"

Write down important thoughts that come up:
start a to do list for things that need to be done

to be done later not now- so let it go for now
as you write it down
Now let the thoughts flow through you
just watch them

any junk thoughts:
ones that are destructive & spiral you downwards
a) there is nothing that you can do anything about)
simply upgrade the thoughts into
constructive ones
If there's not an easy way to upgrade it

let it go for now

Inspire Without Desire

Inspiration gives us life energy to heal & be healed.
All kinds of creativity is healing,
Blocked creativity is one of the main causes of "dis-ease".
Create a sacred homespace. Surrounding it with altars, reminding us of our intentions to grow, bringing us inspiration & creativity...
Meaningful things are important however not more important than what they are intended to represent. Give away what we don't use. Intentionally live simply by meditating on letting go... of everything.
What comes back is really there then. Know that desire only gets in the way of getting what ever it is you do desire.
Upgrade all thoughts into messages that inspire:
Tell your mind what it can do... feed your head with positive images.
Any "dis-ease" can "re-lease" through joyfully living art.
Creativity reminds us that inspiration heals, so we share in our healing!
Full Circle Healing is a two way street: Connection • dis-connection • re-connection
Everyone is a healer8we all get healed from eachother

Facing our fears...
is about upgrading fears to excitements...
once we are facing it with love's guidance...
enabling creativity to be set free & flowing through
facing fears with resolutions of EVER8GLAD thoughts.
Focusing on the healing & not the pain of the process...
we can then share road signs on this process with others.

If you are coming towards a crossroad & need a clear answer...
& you're having a hard time getting a clear answer...
or if it's an emotional &/or important question:

A Calming & Clearing Ritual
Put one hand on your head & the other on your solar plexus.
(where our bodies make all the choices in the digestion process located in the center between belly button & bottom of rib cage.) Breathe deep & rub in a circle (clock wise) with both hands simultaneously while concentrating on clearing any negative thoughts or emotions that may block the best answer for all concerned. Also, it lets the creative wisdom coming through the crown chakra, align with the 3rd chakra power issues through us opening ourselves to doing what is best for all concerned.
Intention Prayer:
O Creator, let me serve the situation
in light of what is best for all concerned
so together, we may all spiral on to peace.
Repeat intention prayer or one of your own...
Rubbing our solar plexus while we breathe deep,
like we're comforting a small child with a nervous stomach...
gently & lovingly, telling it to relax
so we can make a good decision on an important matter.
Now switch hands & repeat.

Trance-Channeled Answers
This realm can be very helpful...
it all comes down to the interpretations of these experiences.
If a psychic experience happens & there's fears around the idea,
it manifests very differently, than when there's love around it.

The word "Channeling" came from Edgar Cayce, one of the most documented channelers
who helped many people with his clairvoyant gift.
(his readings are highly recommended)
As a sleeping prophet, he would ask himself questions 'in trace' to receive insights
he sought for others, as well as, for himself.

Channeled Writing: Do your best to continually keep a journal of insights... a gift we give to our future selves. Get one of the big blank ones (spiraled so it lays flat) & have fun experimenting with all kinds of mediums: color pens/pencils, crayons, paints, collage... etc.

Channeled speaking & singing: Poetry is the sweet essence language that need not be explained... so if you need a yes & no answer this may be difficult. However, do tape it, so you can hear it when not in trance, you may find a lot of messages for you & an inspired expression of art may come through... you had no idea of.

Trance-dance & Tantra: Getting out of the way is the name of this game & it really helps us to use the body wisdom of natural endorphin high that comes with it. If it feels good do it... this method of isness may give answers to important questions by just allowing you mind to shut off & seeing what surfaces. During tantra keep sacred silences unless your comment is relevant in the now... you'll remember the really good ideas & it breaks the magic to talk about what you had for dinner last night, no matter how good it tasted.

Dreams: Tell yourself to remember your dreams & write them down... you may get clues of it's interpretation from books on dreaming... remember that it's your dream & so the symbols may have more personal meanings in their symbolism.

Meditation & Soul Traveling, Vision Questing & Exploratory Drugs:
This is such a private experience & yet is as with everything, done in moderation can be very helpful to accessing abundant intuitions & insights. With all these inner journeys we gain as much as we put in through our sincerity & intention to heal ourselves first, & then others from the insights we receive. These insights belong to all of us, they are our true heritage & right as human beings: to know ourselves & be who we are.

Self-Muscle Testing
The beauty of this method
is it's instant access, once you get good at it
again, practice with questions you know the answer to,
to feel the subtle differences
(highly recommended for pregnant woman,
when our body-wisdom insights are extremely strong.)

1)Focus on asking a yes/no question &/or holding an object to heart... (as in some food, would it be best for our body to eat it?) Connecting with our body-wisdom... always in direct communication with our Creator. Stand tall & yet grounded with slightly bent knees as you focus on the question... staying balanced & centered. We find a slight pull in the form of a subtle swaying.
forwards = yes & backwards = no
2)Focus on asking a yes/no question &/or holding an object under you arm... (as in some food, would it be best for our body to eat it?) then make a circle with our pointer finger & thumb touching on our opposite writing hand... while writing hand pointer finger & thumb opens the circle. Some use a motion like twisting a wing nut, others a pushing out motion.
Yes = strong unbroken circle
No = a fully broken circle

Once we've made a decision...
offer visualizations & prayers
to focus our highest intention
for the direction we've chosen.

Intention Prayer:
O Creator, let me serve the situation
in light of what is best for all concerned
so together, we may all spiral on to peace.

With an open eye to adjustments if need be...
we remember that good planning is just
tuning into the probability curve.

isness is earthy ...
tuning in everyday, all throughout the day...
in all situations, choices made from a calm space inside...
listening first to the whispers of spirit's sweet song
guiding us to do creative... productive... things easily...
when to call who... or drop by...

Getting in tune with any method of response will in time
make subtleties more obvious.
(subtle like the 'b' in the word)

Eventually surrendering
to wondrous living...
watching dreamtime movies
as their happening all around us.

As we show up right on cue...
to say or do what is in front of us...
& it's all perfect as it is... now... now...

Our lives are mirrors reflecting what is
always here inside us
back to us until it is all we see...
in everything... everyone... everywhere...
isness is a word for
our connection through our intuitions
with Source...
(please write in or imagine you name for Source)

Please don't let the word 8isness8 get in the way...
each will have their own definitions for what isness is...
Even if we're like, all telepathic & enlightened...
Such is the nature of isness.

Through poetry & a receptive mind
we can get a sense of images
that may be at best... similar.

center of the spiral journey
3D map of time
path of continual growth
observing from the inside
a spiraling up that goes into hyper drive
creating a quantum leap
breaking through cycles
a oneness with all around us

Heaven lives in day to day life:
living life
as a sacred meditation
moment by moment

Knowing this...
we eat, bath, dress, walk & talk
the path
spiralin' us onwards
as soon as we understand this...
we are here

in a place where all "...isms" ideologies, religions,
& beliefs are meaningful reflections of what is...
& therefore are an opportunity to focus on what is...


(To: Creator, inner self, other beings, all creation, creativity & wisdom...8etc.)

We are all connected to this infinite abundant essence that remains nameless & formless
being the all that is... a reflection of all universal truths
That simply throughout time said: KNOW THYSELF

Seeing our reflection can help us to see ourselves
However, we can look in the mirror everyday
& still not see ourselves.

Awakening usually happens cuz we have just plummeted down
about as far as we needed to, to get "it".
All the former "it's" we have known no longer work for us.
Everything we thought was true for us, is no longer true.
Desire has lead us into despair & now...
We are ready to see things differently.
Although at times it may not feel wonderful
this is a wonderful place to be...
We are all attracted ultimately
to the information we need to understand our selves...
When we realize this., we have returned to being full of wonder...
Like Alice in Wonderland...

We see that

when we listen to our hearts intuitions
& do as many righteous acts of kindness
as you feel guided to do.

Qui Chang, the Shaolin Priest
on the 70's hit series: Kung Fu
Taoist Tell-a-vision

He could let others see him as helpless because he wasn't.
He never threw the first punch & only raised a hand
for self-defense or helping the innocent.
e was great at helping others along the his vision questing path... without getting caught up in their drama...
He was always willing to see what ever came his way
as what he was meant to resolve in his past (Temple flashbacks)
to release it for the future.
walking in peace as he goes... covering his foot steps as he went...

Gangaji a modern Qui Chang
(a white, middle aged, American, woman)
who's been passed on the
Sri H.W.L. Poonja (Papaji) of Sri Ramana Maharshi Lineage-
Noted holy men of India
Says: "See & Experience
the blessed divine "so what"
that leads to desire-less-ness
You are that!
If you are astute about the story behind your suffering...
you will recognize it as a story... At the core of every life is that!
Then your life is not a testimony to what you are lacking
It is a testimony to who you are.
Karma can not touch that!!!
Have you ever not been here?

In all relationships...
"Focus on how you are Alike!"
"Loving silence permeates all storylines"

Smells like Nirvana's secret flower
Soul singing meditation beats of peace, alive in silent Zen
light baring urge whispering truths
Spiral time sacredly... breathing, being, smiling, chanting,
celebrating love & speaking of the Tao
Ocean of isness... waves of is not... more & more smooth
Be the trip, fly up to the sky, laugh, explore, live life,
be the sound of I am...

whether we call it by that name or another...
often comes to us
after having a near death experience...
our own
or someone close to us.




After Life
After Life
After Life


Even recovering from a bad cold or flu is
natures way of purifying our souls...
through the trial by fire of a fever
or a stuffy nose not being able to breathe
reminding us to breathe in life deeper
A sore back because we take on too much weight in life
or pain in the neck of responsibilities we can't handle well...
A headache that keeps telling us to stop thinking
& see that illness speaks through pain
Not to punish us... to get us to pay attention
to what may have been neglected.
All around us life speaks
as loud as we need to hear the messages...
so we will allow ourselves to let go
First, a gentle tap on the shoulder
then, a nudge...
later, a shake up...
& if messages are still ignored,
a swift kick in the butt & so on...

In fact, many of us are being dragged around aimlessly
by unresolved childhood experiences that make us
create the same situations in life again & again
with different players until we get "it"...
Tend to the soil...
And we are boundiful with roses...
Look to the roses & we find thorns
Each layer of being "at ease"
is a further essence of trust
deeper inside.
Letting go of "dis-ease" is a matter of deeper levels of relaxation...
allowing our bodies to be in the best situation to heal one self.
Drama can be fun, until it isn't.
That's when we see other ways to have fun...

Like the ocean's dance of ebb and flow
the music of the tide unfolding the curling wave into a spiral
then releasing it again into the vast ocean waters.
The movement of change continues to flow...
we are only able to choose
how we interact with the inevitable force of change.
Allow who you are to surface...
by letting go of who you are not.

That which you are attracts effortlessly
that which is perfect for you to fulfill...
so much more than anything we wanted in the past...

Simply ask yourself...

"How can the past or future
tell me who I am now ?"

misunderstandings usually happen
from mis-identifications...
as people use:
different words to describe the same images or
different images to describe the same words...

or perhaps we are only thinking
about what we want to say... or something else...
& not really listening to who's speaking to us.

Then there are times when some of us
are in a fight with ourselves...
each person they talk to "a friend"
is anyone to carry on this ongoing battle in their head...
over issues that they are obsessed with at the time.

Let them win the battle & win the war...
leave them to their own painfully slow awakening.
Pray for them as often as you think of them &
if you do talk to them,
in as honest a way as possible
tell them how much they're getting better.
Tell them you're on a "junk thought fast" & if they continue... leave!

Brothers & Sisters
Mamas & Papas
?Higher laws apply to all:

Says, "release
to the spiral flow".

Then our word is good

We get what we need...

& honest word of mouth speaks
of those who are
doin' Be-isness!

No need to sell, promote, or achieve...
is where we've always been
& will always be...
in connection with source!

Celebrate life, celebrate the seasons of our lives...
the bonding of heaven, earth,
& humanity in everyday life.
Remember that: Good planning is just tuning into
the probability curve.
Seeing all possibilities around us in a-bun-dance...
as we sit in the center & choose each moment
what is in alignment with our intuition & higher purpose
(or at least the next 7 Generations.)

Right here & now there is no other place I'd rather be
Right here & now watching the world wake up from history
-Jesus Jones
Maybe were starting
to remember herstory?!...

So8BE8It BE the change!

Remember, all is perfectly reflected in our life's energy.

First, take a deep breathe & relax...
now... let go of fear for our future
know wisdom will prevail & do what you can to help.
Out-dated industries will transform as they always have...

R.I.P. R.I.P. R.I.P.

Logging/Paper Industry Mining/Oil/Gas Industry Zoo/Testing/Taxidermy Industry

8we here now8 transformations
Computers, Hemp Solar & all other Wild Life Preserves
Alt. Housing/Prefab Earth-friendly Alternatives Med. Care for Wild Life/TV

is our innate connection to Source
throughout our ongoing continuum of changes
each one built upon one another...

The 7th cycle is understanding the essence of each cycle as it's happening!
Spiraling us into the beings that we've come here to become...
Our cycle of growth is continuous transformations.
This cycle continues through our children & their children's children...
We are this...8isness8
This connections to Source through our evolving consciousness.
Evolving through our connection to our intuition
through those around us
& our civilization's transformation.
All the civilizations that came before us
are still here
in the transformation of all humanity now.
Again & again
Understanding is being passed from generation to generation.
There is no new information really...
other than being able to appreciate all of it.
All paths to enlightenment are ultimately the same in essence
& yet cumulatively they are a vision that mirrors us even further
on this path
Each time we're able to re-vision ourselves completely...
a momentary laps of reason occurs long enough to go beyond thinking
that just one way is "right" & we do a quantum leap.
Understanding the whole process is a quantum leap of a quantum leap
through spiraling onwards...

If Buddha met Jesus...
do you think they would argue about their different ideas
or bow to each others insights & learn as much as they could from meeting another wise soul on the path.

The time has come for us all to evolve.
we have all come here
for one reason...
to grow

So be kind...
we're all just growin' up now!
Beginning with beginners mind
we find our way back to center
quicker & quicker each time
until we realize
that we never really left...

closer & closer to center
till we are
in the stillness
of who we are . . .

create world peace 8 day to day8 life as sacred

Our Truth
(if there is to be a truth)
is how I treat you after I've had my revelation
& how you respond etc. etc.
our communication is our truth
our awareness of it is growing...

Understand... to stand under
We all stand upon shoulders of all those who've stood in the light before us all...
So many blessed souls who share their messages of peace now
through helping guide & inspire us...
keeping a vision of peace alive in the eyes of those who can see it.
Special Thanks To:
a blessed book of transformation
Be Here Now by Baba Ram Dass
His break-through book that has been a dear companion for well over 20 years.
With the birth of our son Ezekiel Rainbow Selah!
We found it to be a continual source of inspiration to read with him...
sweet inspiration to write this with him offer it to
Peaceful Souls of Grounded Enlightenment:
I am that by Nasargadaga, You are That by Gangaji, Steps Toward Inner Peace by Peace Pilgrim, Sevenfold Peace by Gabriel Cousens, M.D., The Elder Brothers by Alan Ereira (about the Kogi's, a South American Indian Tribe that survived in tact by going up into the Sierra Mountains) The Art of Peace by Morihei Ueshiba (founder of Aikido) The Essene Gospel of Peace & many Biogenic Living books by Edmond Bordeaux Szekely Parenting with Respect & Peacefulness by Louise Dietzel, The Artist Way by Julia Cameron, Creative Visualization by Shakti Gawain, the works of Alice Baily, Edgar Cayce Readings... Meditation in Action by others by Shambala Press... & anything by SARK... & the list continues to grow
Everything... Everyone... Everywhere is our Guru & Life be our greatest teacher
p.e.a.c.e. love & blessings to all...
PaZ-otiv-Aliah Selah

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Also available:

, Spiraonwords Publishing ,
P.O.Box 1771 Austin, Texas 78767-1771 www.spiralon.com

Getting Free...
tools for awakening fools

Experiencing the inner child within us all
comes from a love of innocence and authentic relations...
this state of mind is "newness".
allowing our inner father to protect our inner child
with disernment & ethical authority
allowing our inner mother who nutures, comforts,
& empowers our inner child, with interdependance.

Getting Free... begins with a deep inner refusal to accept deception
first from ourselves... then from others,
yet with kind commpassion not to judge anyone for it.
 Getting Free...in this life, if possible, is all about why we come here
to earthschool.
The whole thing is our choice...
to come here & manifest reflections
of this whole process of growth
we will now refer to as Getting Free...

as far as destiny vs. freewill
destiny is everyone's freewill... happening simotainiously
so while everyone is acting out their freewill...
destiny is created, however, our truest destiny if we choose it
is always to grow spiritually, to awaken & remain awake.
So destiny is made up of all the circumstances that will continue to
awaken us, on deeper & deeper levels.
And this is who we is.
If you do not see yourself as you is,
in actuality you will not see others as they really is,
and you will become a puzzeled victim both in yourself & others & circumstances.
Why aren't we all free, if that is why we are here?
We are, we may not know it yet, however if we are a seeker...
it will be there among topics with friends...
freedom is there ringing in the silences of conversations
where people are really being honest & loving
& seeking understanding with oneanother.

We must first see ourselves as we actually are, not as we would like to picture ourselves...
illusions & flattery are our deception and will continue to get in our way
until we see what keeps happening when we go there.

So it is good to see the bad, awareness of it, is freedom from results...

If my false sense of “I” has dissolved, who is there to suffer?
“I” only get upset at what ever is threatening the illusions I have about myself.

   3 esoteric facts about Getting Free...

1) you find yourself by letting go... so Getting Free...                                                                   comes from letting go.
                                        2) be here now & what's next, becomes obvious
                                        3) observing life without reactiong to it
                                            lets us give joy to ourselves & others
                                            no matter what circumstances occure.

Observe nature as it is and see all the blessings it has to offer... let nature heal us.

12 gifts of Getting Free...
1) Having no assumptions or expectations
2) Looking within for the primary causes & lessons
3) Seeing the future based in the present reality
4) Active consciousness towards growth
5) Saying no negative words against anyone
6) Be humble without criticizing yourself
7) Constantly be able to flow with changes
8) Being honest or silent, always
9) Discouragement & depression have reasons (find out what they are but realize false ones too)
10) Values are what define who we is ( if we keep our values we grow strong, if we lose them, weak)
11) Focusing on insecurities by listening to others... better, giving love to others & being a good friend
12) Focus on life purposes and there's no need for dependency on anyone or anything else.

When my desired plan goes wrong all it means is that: our desire has clashed with reality.
Which may just be a timing thing....  getting in with good flow is mostly about being patient, however with someone who is resisting making a move, it's about going for it when support arrives until we can do it on our own.  Support is OK, as long as it leads us to doing it on our own, so we are not dependent on the help.  How we help someone in need, is to shadow & spot. Only helping if truely needed.  Allowing the person to do it on their own & giving them the credit for it so they build confidence to do it on their own, next time.

Transitions flow like this....
                                              preparation        /     change    /        recovery

So, it may be that there is more preparation to do, to bring about the change that is best for all.
(The only luck there is opportunity meeting preparation & good karma which can create support.)  When people are antsy about the change to come they stop preparations
& then when the change does come they're not ready for it.
Instead of frustration & feeling defeated about this,
let that truth distroy the illusions about our desires
for it to happen this way or that, or at any particular time.
                       Defeat really comes from clinging to "solutions" that solve nothing.
If I call a certain result "bright"
because I hope it will confirm false values I have about myself...
it can only cause more fear.
As results show contrary, to the result I desire,
it is usually because of going about it the wrong way... from a place of fear.
 When it's coming from a place of love, we want what is best for all
and know that the time will come when wisdom will shine and it will be apparient what that is, that includes talking about it, if it helps.

Fear creates distance from others & anger in defense of illusions.
Letting go of results and enjoying the moment by moment process
is how we find happiness & peace.

Self defeat comes from identifying with either success or failure.
Love is a state of total understanding and with understanding comes awareness
so that we can let go of painful false desires.
We never need to feel any kind of defeat again.
As long as we focus on the essence of love... universal love
and our process of growth
towards a greater understanding of what that is best in all situations.
(Or how the wise sage would walk in our circumstanses....)
Love & authentic realtionships with others is a gift of freedom that comes
from loving the messenger of essence inside ourselves & others
& seeing the blessing of how it comes to us in day to day life.
Being truely successful comes first from being inwardly open to Getting Free...
then if outward success doesn't come, we are still fulfilled & if it does comes, we handle it well.

Feel these key Getting Free. words:
Naturalness, receptivity, self-renewal, now, insight,
persistence, watchfulness, self-unity, patience, & genuiness

For a change to happen in oneself:
See the need for self-tranformation
See ourselves as we actually are
Work to understand the idea of humanity & bringing about peace one interaction at a time
Stop useless destructive thoughts... and focus on love with each & every interaction
                                   bring others from only being in there heads to being into their hearts as well
The evolution will be empathised!
let go of tensions... stretching & messaging can save the world
help others to remember this
Feel love with each & every interaction
listen to universal messages
hear words of love with each & every interaction even if it is not said lovingly...
bring others into their hearts even when they are not communicating well.
Thats when they need love the most!

the inner world of thoughts, feelings, desires, insights, compassions, curisity and other psychological experiences determine my outer world of everyday life.  I draw experiences to me in the balance my imbalances.  Thinking that something in the future brings happiness is to postpone the enjoyment possible now.
cease to be anxious - trust the universe to take care of me.  live decides many things for us & getting free is why we are here.  Guiding me to letting go so I can happily... enjoy the ride.
Be patient with yourself & love, love love... the evolution will be empathised.

"The soul's communication of truth is the highest event in nature...
and this communication is in flux of the "Divine mind into our mind...
every moment when the individual feels invalidated by it is memorable."
                                                                                                    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Be teachable" that is the whole secret

Doubts create Defeat
as long as one perfers the illusion of individual separation to the reality of unity with all
- defeat will be the experience -
slowing down & making doubts conscious
until you can dissolve it with awareness
of the false foundation of your illusionary self which created them.

12 things that keep us from... Getting Free...
1)   False Assumptions (makes an ass out of u & me...ass-u-me)
2)   Searching outside ourselves
3)   False hope in the future ("hope" can be quite hopeless)
4)   Laziness towards self awakening
5)   Wrong attention (criticizing others)
6)   Self-condemnation
7)   False belief in a fixed state (all is change)
8)   Dishonesty (consciously or unconsciously)
9)   Discouragement & depression (dissatisfaction has a purpose)
10) Compromising values  - Integrity... a will to serve & wisdom how each moment it is best to do so.
11) Vanity & egotism - healthy self love is not self absorbed... keep checking in with those around.
12) Dependency on others, substances, things... accomplishments... outcomes... only inner peace is truely dependable and what we have the most ability to have within us no matter what occurs.

Clear understanding of a harmful habit erases it

Intelligence is the patient gathering of knowledge & wisdom to know how to use that knowledge.
Knowlege about self... tranformational knowledge is the most powerful & fulfilling knowledge one can grasp in life... leading us to peace.  However knowledge withour psychic realization of our essence as love & humanity as one big family, moves nothing. With it, we can move mountians.

Spiritual Intention + Will to Serve + Understanding to love + Humorous Perspectives = a joyful peace

Breakthroughs are when we realize, even vaguely, that something eyoond your ordinary life actually exists.  Security cannot exist because of something. If it has a couse that cause will sooner or later change.  Pulling the platform out from beneath your shoes.  Security is when you have no security what so ever, no attachments, nothing which to cling to.

10 encouraging Principles for Getting Free...
1) There is a place within me where I am at peace and can sit back & observe life
2) Doubts, discouragement & defeat all have to do with my misconseption & perceptions of growth.
3) Any breakdown can lead to a breakthrough when I focus on my life purpose.
            example:  lovingly getting free you come up with your own life purpose ________________.
4) The most successful person in the eyes of others is a good listener with a compassionate heart.
5) no matter what events occure or circumstances prevail my focus is centering my inner stillness.
6) Seeing through my "self image" is the only way to feel the trueness of my being... I let go of it.
7) Life makes sense always when my intentions are focused on spiritual growth & honest truth.
8) Values of loving all humainty are my salvation and free me from my pain,
                                                                                       I see we are all Getting Free...
9) Letting go can mean many particular things to many people...
                                   I see myself in the moment focusing on love & letting go of fear
10) Being connected to our creator & all creation through loving all beings

With earnest work all is revealed so let life reveal itself to you...
Accept things as they actually are and you have peace in heart, mind & soul.
Uncertainty is good... opens up possibilities...

                            "If anything is certain... it is ones own uncertain mind
                                            to know that you do not know
                                                   is the dawn of knowing."                   - St. Augistine

We are visitors no owners of this earth we could own the entire world, but owr ownership comes whenwe don't care whether we own it or not.  Being compelled to own the world or any small part of it, your desire is an attempt to feel secure through possession... however there is no security in possession just the opposite anxiety.

Sometines when you have nothing you have everything.
Unless we are right with ourselves, we cannot really enjoy the exterior world of nature & social activities when we are one with ourselves, we are one with everything.

There are no conflicting dilllusions between the inner world & outer world.
Then, daily activities are pleasant, easy, rewarding.

may the blessings be
love in a-bun-dance
eternally getting free