Indigo Children

You may notice bright eyes children with glowing energy about them. These are a new generation of kids who are volunteering to help this planet to evolve.
They are highly sensitive and extreemly bright and artistic.
However, they are multi-taskers and so they enjoy doing many things at once. This is why many people in traditional school are saying that they have "ADD", because they can't focus easily when in fact, they focus on many things at once. They have an ability to understand an over view of material and that's the best way to teach them. If they are only given broken up pieces of a concept they get frustrated. They need a lot of nurturing and outward disciplines frustrates them as well. To have come here to help heal the planet and then have younger souls try to "discipline" their behaviors without respecting or honoring them and their nobel calling to help the planet through this transisition is a huge insult.
Transparenting Concepts work best with these kinds of kids because it's where they are coming from.. interdependent relationships and co-operative efforts that are based on living ones integrity and doing what's best for all concerned.