Astrology can help us to raise our selves and our children
& offers understandings to archetypal timings we all experience

                           unfolding             our archetypal rites of passage..

This is only a brief overview of our life passages:

Age 7 is the 1st Saturn (limitations & self disciplines) Square (tension towards movement)
In India, they say that the child's whole personality is developed by the age of 7, perhaps this is why.   I feel that early education is sorely lacking in preparing children to be empowered adults and feel strongly that the understanding of this crisis is imperative if things are going to change.

Age 12 is the 1st Jupiter (growth & expansion & perhaps over indulgence) Return
(comes back to the place where it was at birth for a new higher octave of learning these issues)
is all about the awakenings of puberty and coming into your own personhood as an adolescent.

Age 14 is the 1st Saturn (limitations & self-disciplines) Opposition (extremes that need balancing)
This is often the time when a kid who has not been empowered by authority figures all that much rebels.
They begin to question everything inside & out and an over domineering parent will have quite a battle for they are fighting for their dignity and soul connections. This is why it is best to make God/Spirit the highest authority.. rather than the parent, with kids.  Parents are meant to be there to counsel and advise kids with their valuable life experience.  Mostly though, parents and caregivers are meant to do what they can to attune the budding adult to their own intuitions and to talk to God/spirit for the details. This is an important understanding to give to a child as soon as they can reason, about 4 at the 2nd Mars (energy to move forwards) Return (comes back to the place where it was at birth for a new higher octave of learning these issues.) most parents now speak not so much of the “terrible 2’s” 1st  Mars Return (but of the “terrible fours”) and this is when the parents are not being fair or reasonable enough to listen to feelings, or are too giving outwardly while not supporting their inner strength and acknowledging that they do know what's best for them when they do & control over some choices, which enables them to believe it for themselves. Also, having kids 2 years apart, when a kid is coming into his 1st Mars return is a really bad idea for many reasons, the mothers health, being thrown off the breast, having to share when you are first discovering what belong to them and what doesn't.. as they say "mine" a lot them.  Mostly I feel that this was because of parents saying “No, don't touch that” instead of creating a child safe environment or simply redirecting the child to the many other interesting things everywhere. I think that its important to note that Elephant wait 4 years between little ones and have a whole tribe of woman to look after the alpha females calf.  I think they have something on us humans with that one.  Here's the age 16 where he begins his idea “intellectual development” and it's true in our society at 16 we get to drive, and if we are able to get a car or borrow one, this alone has an ability to help develop & explore many more interests, what ever they be, and by sheer mobility alone, the feelings of independence that brings.

Age 24 is the 2nd Jupiter (growth & expansion & perhaps over indulgence) Return (comes back to the place where it was at birth for a new higher octave of learning these issues) This makes us feel we can do anything and most people depending on their individual charts and Karma's will have goals to achieve before 25 and/or 30 because of this.

Age 29-30 is the 1st  Saturn (limitations & self disciplines) Return (comes back to the place where it was at birth for a new higher octave of learning these issues) & 2nd Jupiter (growth & expansion & perhaps over indulgence) Opposition (extremes that need balancing)  Every break down, is a break through!  A lot of people, even without astrology have a thing about turning 30.  Some set up goals to reach by then and feel terribly depressed if they have not been able to achieve them, especially as their 24 year old selves thought they could.  For those who have worked hard and taken responsibility for who they are and developed their weaknesses, cared for those they love and built a good foundation for their lives.. then, their Saturn return can be a wonderful time to reap rewards.  However, if they have avoided their fears and relationships and not developed themselves in the ways of their potentials to do so, they will be given the opportunity to do this now.. through everything falling apart all around them, so they can build anew.  Only after our fears have been faced and an understanding of ones limitations and abilities are clearly understood, only then, can ones deeper growth toward wisdom, actually begin.   True intellectual development encompasses the greater understanding of wisdom
or it is not truly true.

Age 36 is the 3rd Jupiter (growth & expansion & perhaps over indulgence) Return (comes back to the place where it was at birth for a new higher octave of learning these issues) & 1st Saturn (limitations & self disciplines) Square (tension towards movement) after the 1st Saturn Return: Gifts, for what Saturn return issues we have taken responsibility for in our own lives & how we've helped others to do the same.. or tests if we have not.  If we have been open to truly developing soul growth wise, we reap the rewards of the 3rd Jupiter Return and deepen our calling to serve our highest vision the is interdependent with serving humanity as well.
Saturn issues are the hardest issues and if we face them they become our deepest strengths. In other cultures, we would be told to “do a walk-about” or “vision quest” to find our true visions. Here, we make no place for this so we have to get sick with nervous break downs, drug and alcohol addictions just to get some time off from the rat race.  Or worse divorces where we can conveniently blame the marriage for our lack of fulfillment.  Sometimes it is the only way to begin to split the parenting roles that was heavily burdened by the Mother so that the Father gains a new relationship with their kids.  I feel that only after we challenge the status quo and really delve within our hearts as to
why we are here, are we able to be whole.

Around age 42, if we continue to avoid all of this soul searching, the Uranus (sudden changes) Opposition (extremes that need balancing) becomes what is commonly known as “the mid-life crisis”.
If ones values are with integrity and spiritually centered, then one takes upon a calling of a higher nature.
Peace Pilgrim who has influenced us for many years began her walks at 40... just before her Uranus opposition,
a crossroad that happens once in a life time being that its a 84 years cycle.

Age 48 is the 4th Jupiter (growth & expansion & perhaps over indulgence) Return (comes back to the place where it was at birth for a new higher octave of learning these issues) Blessing for those who have attuned to a higher calling with their lives.  Offering their lives in service to a spiritual calling that is unique to them.  Creativity and expansion for those who follow their call and fulfill themselves.  This is when some people go on to second careers and/or go back to school.  Over-indulgence and addictions if one is in avoidance.. trying not to listen to their intuitions that tell them it's time to express their true hearts in the form of service to a calling higher than their own self.

Age 59-60 is the 2nd  Saturn (limitations & self disciplines) Return (comes back to the place where it was at birth for a new higher octave of learning these issues) & 5th Jupiter (growth & expansion & perhaps over indulgence) Return (comes back to the place where it was at birth for a new higher octave of learning these issues)  This is when one is set for retirement and if one has worked hard and raised a family, then grand kids  and traveling in the RV is just right.  Spending the days of the sunset of your life with peaceful thoughts and taking up joyful hobbies.  If you have taken a higher calling on, this is the time to be an elder for others who need guidance in you specialty.  Offering your insights in a humble way and leading from the back as a true person of integrity.  Many rewards for this kind of calling and loving yourself and your life and connecting deeply to the Spirit source of choice is priceless!  However if have lived a self-centered life and you still have not helped out others in need and blame others for your woes.. this will be a time of great ultimatum and over indulgence until the heart is awoken and the choice to forgive & give back to those who gave to you is made.  To make amends and renew ones life.  To being again.  All the first Saturn return issues are met again on a higher octave, and softened with the gifts of the 5th Jupiter return if education and self expansions has been developed.

Our lesson here are to grow and that is our destiny.. eventually,
no matter how many lifetimes it takes.
Edgar Cayce says we sojourn to the planet we need to get the energy of
between life times.
He was very hooked in and so it's something to think about.
The veil between life & death is thinner as we understand why we are here
and that death is not final, so we have nothing to fear.
The shame is not that we die.. it is only that we do not live while we are alive
and make the most of it.. everyday!

Speak kindly to your love ones..
help the helpless..
do deeds of goodness when ever you can
and you will go peacefully
knowing you have truly lived.