7. Negotiating
"fairly" for all concerned
This is the most
important key in inter-dependent relationships.
Negotiations and/or
re-negotiations as the case may be,
empowers a relationship
to be healing.
Codependency happens
when, for what ever reason,
we can't negotiate
with the others involved.
If we are forced
to do things out of fear, and can't even say how it makes us feel, we become
very disempowered and so does the relationship. Learning to negotiate
in all situations in life is vital to self-esteem and healthy relationships.
If we are in situations
where we can't do this,
then that is our
message to look at... and our path of growth is to change that.
If it doesn't feel
good, but we do it anyway, then, our answers are to be found as we understand
ourselves & the situation better. What keeps us there?
How can we change
ourselves so that we have different ways of dealing with it?
The main path in
all growth is to be in the present. Our past is important because
it holds answers for us, understanding our programming and
why we unconsciously
do what we do
to block our hearts
from being loved & loving others & ourselves.
This process allows
us to unfold opportunities for the future...
yet the key is
being here & now, where we can make changes,
one moment at a