5. Growing up endlessly...
Self-empowerment = self-discipline

This is the role of the inner-Father
The way we we're disciplined is what unravels how our inner-Father is operating.
Self-discipline is a learned thing... and if outer disciplines (from parents, teachers, and other authority figures) we're not done lovingly, or worse yet, in a manipulative, inconsistent, or even destructive way, then we may have a hard time understanding how to do self-disciplines now, from a loving, self-empowered place.  If we do disciplines from healthy place they get easier & easier because it's connected to our soul's purpose and we are in full alignment with that purpose.
If we are not, it's always a struggle. It gets easier as we take a look at where our programming about this comes from, as it becomes empowering for us to do it...
it will become more & more effortless.
inner home alchemy: a visualization
Then, our hearts are able to remain open,
because with our new strength we are not threatened.
We are using our awareness & love as our protection, instead of our fears.